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  The City  

Mantova, a town of water and art, is internationally known for its Renaissance architecture. The greatest artists and masters, such as Giulio Romano, Leon Battista Alberti, Alberto Pitentino, Pisanello, Luca Fancelli, Andrea Mantegna, all worked in Mantova.

Casa del Mantegna (the house of the famous architect) is located along the itinerary called Percorso del Principe (“The Prince’s Route”), along the axis which crosses the town, from north to south, connecting its two main cultural poles: Palazzo Ducale and Palazzo Te. Thanks to the collaboration between Politecnico di Milano – Mantova campus and Provincia di Mantova, Casa del Mantegna is the centre of Mantovarchitettura’s exhibitions and conferences.

Every year, since 2013, Mantovarchitettura transforms the town into a Capital of Architecture. Another prestigious event is Festivaletteratura, a five-days meeting with writers coming from all the world.

In 2008, with Sabbioneta, Mantova became a UNESCO World Heritage Site and in 2016 it was the Italian Capital of Culture.

As reported in “Legambiente Urban Ecosystem", in 2017 it was the best, among the Italian cities, for the quality of the environment and life. Mantova is a town that you can visit, in all directions, using the many cycle-pedestrian paths integrated into the urban system.